Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Oolong Tea Vs Green Tea: Which One Is Better?

Questions often arise about Oolong tea vs green tea as both are different tea varieties and yet, provide similar health benefits.They are produced from the same Camellia Sinensis plant, but using different processing methods.
Oolong or Wu Long, is a partially oxidised tea. It falls in between green and black tea, and undergoes complicated processing that requires great skill. The varying degree of oxidation results in different subvarieties of Oolong tea.
Green tea is processed with very little oxidation. This is why it is green in colour. The minimal processing helps retain its catechins so it has more of these polyphenols than other types of tea. Due to its higher antioxidants, it is associated with numerous health benefits. In fact, it is heavily marketed as a weight loss supplement.
Oolong Tea Vs Green Tea
Both teas are widely consumed for their positive effects on health. The leaves contain catechins that are a rich source of antioxidants. Catechins are described as polyphenolic antioxidants, which are special plant flavanoids. The processing methods will affect the levels of these compounds in the leaves. So green tea which is lightly oxidized, has higher levels of catechins, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), than Oolong tea. While oxidation may reduce catechins, it actually increases the levels of other antioxidants such as theaflavin and thearubigin in Oolong tea.
Since green tea is more widely studied than Oolong tea, it has more proven health and weight loss benefits. Nevertheless, both are rich in antioxidants that may lower cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, and prevent heart disorders, cancer and other diseases. They may aid weight loss by boosting metabolism, increasing fat burning and reducing fat absorption.
The taste and aroma of these two teas are influenced by many factors, such as:
- leaf quality
- the different subvarieties
- loose leaves or tea bags
- growing area or country of origin
- steeping time and temperature
- processing methods
- chlorine content of the water used to make the brew
Green tea has a light, grassy, fresh or sweet taste. Oolong is light and floral, sweet and fruity, or strong and woody, depending on the tea subvarieties.
What is obvious, is that when it comes to Oolong tea vs green tea, the choice lays with the drinker more than anything else. They have immense weight loss and health benefits. Give them a try to find out which one you prefer. You may probably like drinking both of them !

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