Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Do All Good Tasting Foods Make You Fat?

Have you ever wondered if all good tasting foods are designed to make you fat? For those of us who have been on a restricted diet because of health reasons it sure can seem that way. There is nothing worse than having the doctor tell you that dramatic changes will be necessary to your eating habits. In your mind you imagine eating bland rice cakes, followed by a leafy green salad with no dressing. While this may be true in some cases, in most it is possible to eat healthy without sacrificing taste. However, there are alternative views.

What the Fitness Gurus Say

Jack Lalanne, America's #1 fitness guru was once heard saying that if something tastes good, you should not eat it. While that advice is not 100% true, it is safe to say that if followed, you can be assured that you will have an incredibly healthy body. The fact is that many of the foods that taste good going down or incredibly bad for our overall well-being. They are not designed to keep us vibrant and disease free.

Change You Can Taste

It is important to realize that over time as you begin to adjust your consumption of over salted fried food and sugar rich desserts, your body will begin to adapt. Your taste buds, once covered in all the bad stuff begin to pick up the sometimes subtle flavors of foods that when tasted before you felt had no taste at all.

The truth of the matter is that not all great tasting foods are designed to make you fat however not all boring and bland foods are totally healthy. The key is to strike a balance between good taste and common sense.

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